[Davis Democrats] FW: National Call-in Day to Oppose Alito: tollfree 1-877-851-6437

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Wed Jan 18 13:17:43 PST 2006

------ Forwarded Message
From: National Women's Law Center <info at nwlc.org>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2006 12:55:34 -0500 (EST)
To: john chendo <jac07 at dcn.org>
Subject: National Call-in Day to Oppose Alito: Make Your Voice Heard!


January 18, 2006 
Urge Senators to Oppose Alito:
National Call-In Day TODAY!DIAL YOUR SENATORS TOLL FREE AT 877-851-6437

If you¹ve been reading the papers, you know that some people are trying to
make it look like no one cares and no one is fighting Samuel Alito¹s
nomination to the Supreme Court.  If fact, nothing could be farther from the

Today, we posted to our blog the names of over 90 organizations
<http://capwiz.com/nwlc/utr/1/GSNYFJXBQU/HPIKFJXDEN/585222521> ,
representing millions of constituents across the country who are fired up in
opposition to Alito, and we know that you are, too! Getting your voice heard
in Washington may never matter more than it does today. Today at noon,
Democratic senators are meeting to decide their Alito strategy.  And
Republican senators are trying to suggest that everyone on their side of the
aisle supports Alito.  Call today and tell them you oppose Alito!

Call Your Senators Toll Free TODAY, January 18th
If you¹re having trouble getting through on the toll free line, click here
<http://capwiz.com/nwlc/utr/1/GSNYFJXBQU/NMBXFJXDEO/585222521>  for
step-by-step instructions for calling your senators directly.Some Senators
have already begun making public statements about their position on the
confirmation, so CALL NOW!We need to let senators know that we want them to
do everything possible to defeat Alito¹s nomination. If there was ever any
doubt that Alito¹s nomination is the most important showdown in a generation
for those concerned with preserving the guarantees of our Constitution,
Alito¹s testimony last week made it abundantly clear: if confirmed, Alito
will likely roll back important gains made in protecting and advancing civil
rights, vote to overturn Roe v. Wade, condone the abuse of power by the
president, go too far in allowing government instrusion in your personal
life, and help curtail Congress¹ ability to protect the health, safety, and
welfare of the American people.  He will join the conservative
Scalia/Thomas/Roberts wing of the Court.This is about more than Alito¹s
confirmation; it¹s about the future of the country.  Don¹t let your senators
get through another day without hearing from you.  For more information, go
to www.NominationWatch.org
<http://capwiz.com/nwlc/utr/1/GSNYFJXBQU/ERDKFJXDEP/585222521> .
Tell-A-Friend <http://capwiz.com/nwlc/tellafriend/compose/>  Send a note to
a friend to let them know about this alert! NWLC Action Center
<http://capwiz.com/nwlc/home/>  Visit the NWLC Action Center to take action
on other issues affecting women and their families. NWLC Home
<http://www.nwlc.org/>  Get the facts. Visit the National Women's Law Center
web site to learn more about issues impacting women and their families. NWLC
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