[Davis Democrats] Come celebrate Valentines Day with the Davis Democrat Club
G Richard Yamagata PhD
yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Mon Feb 13 21:48:23 PST 2006
Greetings All,
This is a 24 hour reminder about the Davis Democrat Club Valentine's Day
potluck and general meeting. Come celebrate with June candidates and fellow
Davis Democrat Club members.
If people want to use this opportunity to pass out election and Democratic
party information or articles to the membership, they can do so. This
should be a fun event with plenty of food.
Please bring your favorite food you like to cook or prepare or purchase,
either a main dish, salad or dessert to share with 6 to 8 people. The Club
will provide coffee, cups, forks and spoons and chocolate kisses, and if
they can be found, candied hearts. The suggested donation at the door will
be $5. If you need guidance in what food to bring to the event, please
phone Bob Bockwinkel at 219-1896 or G Richard Yamagata at 848-8364.
For the Potluck, the following breakdown is being suggested:
A-K Bring a main dish
L-R Bring a salad dish (green, macaroni, or potato or other)
S-Z Bring a dessert
The club will also have its bi-annual election of officers. The business
meeting with the election will start at 6:45PM. At this time there is no
planned speaker, except for the outgoing and incoming presidents. Please
come to vote or to turn in your ballot. The By-Laws allow for nominations
from the floor. It is expected that the election will take up most of the
hour slated for this meeting.
While ballots are tabulated, there is one item on the agenda, placed there
by President Tony Gruska, the endorsement of candidates for elected office
or primary candidates in June. Since the general membership will be at this
meeting, this will facillitate the endorsement of candidates by the Davis
Democrat Club. We will also explain how the new DDC action bulletin e-mail
list will work.
G Richard Yamagata PhD
CEO/President VME Inc. http://www.vme.net/
G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of
Directors, a member of the board of the Business Link of Woodland and Davis,
Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democrat Club, President
of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Secretary-Treasurer
of the board of the Davis Progressive Business Exchange and communications
liason of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Chapter 169.
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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions
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