[Davis Democrats] August 8th Board Meeting Minutes

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Aug 15 16:03:01 PDT 2006

Greetings Davis Democrat Club Boardmembers,

These are the minutes that are respectfully submitted to the board:

                Davis Democratic Club Board Meeting 
                Tuesday, August 8, 7 pm - 9 pm
     Place: Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.  
                    315 East 14th Street.

This meeting was held at the Blanchard Room in the Yolo County Library. 
Present (11 board members total) were:
President: Arun Sen,
Vice President: John Chendo
Treasurer: Betty Weir	
Recording Secretary: G Richard Yamagata
Corresponding Secretary: Julia Sanchez
Acting Past President: Absent
Newsletter Editor: Absent
Publicity: Mary Lou Hernandez
Publicity: Barbara Slemmons (Acting)
Parlimentarian: None
Board members:  Lyle Smith, Kingsley Melton, Pam Neiberg, Adrienne Kandel, 

Absent from Meeting:   Past President Tony Gruska; Past-Past President and
Newsletter Advertising, Bob Bockwinkel; Mike Syvanen, and Rhonda Gruska.

Guests:  Gregg Gibbs, Carl Schmid, Rick Gonzles, Luba Schmid, Dan Berman,
Bob Schelen, Rick Vulliet, Jim Provenza, Jenny Kosko, Vasheka Cervianki,
Ceceilia Escamelia-Greenwald, Carolyn Copper.

Vice President John Chendo called the meeting to order at 7:05 PM. 

AGENDA:  There was no agenda for this meeting.  A rough agenda was passed
out by John Chendo, but was not voted upon because of lack of time.

The minutes from the last two general meetings and the June board meeting
were not presented for approval because of lack of time.

There were no other minutes or reports from other Demcoratic clubs or
organizations due to lack of time.  

It was announced by Betty Weir that we have $18,097.70 in the club's
treasury.  We have spent $270 on pins and bumper stickers for the Yolo
County Fair Booth.  The Yolo County Central Committee put in $220 to fund
pins and bumper stickers for the booth.

G Richard Yamagata reported that he was in contact with Jerry and Teresa
Kaneko and would be reporting to him after the meeting.  He said that Jerry
wanted an earlier start for the Soap Box at 6:30PM and that ice cream would
be served, starting at 6PM.  The board compromised by agreeing to start the
Soap Box at 6:45PM, but would announce to the public that it would start at
6:30PM.  Teresa reported to Richard that she had enough napkins and spoons,
but not enough bowls and no cups.  They also need another 25 chairs.  We
expect at the very least, 70 people, but in election years, we have 100 show
up.  We will be charging $10/person at this event (passed at the June
meeting by the board).  [Later, I found out that last year, we went through
8 gallons of ice cream for this event.]

Arun Sen said that he would take care of picking a timekeeper for this event.  

Mary Lou Hernandez asked to contiue to act as coordinator for this event.
Barbara Slemmons and G Richard Yamagata volunteered to help Mary Lou in this

The concern about the mosquitos is the reason for the earlier time for this
event.  But, G Richard Yamagata is bringing 6 citronella candle buckets to
burn to ward off mosquitos at this event.

The electeds will be introduced and allowed to speak first.

There was a sign-up sheet passed around.  The following is a summary of what
the recording secretary can remember:
Betty Weir will bring more bowls and needed cups.
Betty Weir will also bring scoops along with Cecilia -- 5 are needed.
Cecilia Escamelia-Greenwald will bring 5 dozen cookies
Mike Syvanen will bring an ice chest with drinks
Gregg Gibbs will bring toppings
Kingsley Melton will bring ice cream cones
All other people signed up to bring ice cream.  It is hoped that board
members not in attendence of this meeting and not otherwise assigned a food
task for this event, will bring ice cream (We are currently shor 2.5 gallons
over last year).  

It was agreed by all present that everyone will pay the $10 donation,
including those bringing items to this event. 

Bob Schelen next presented his message for all Democrats to hang in there
and pull for Phil.  "Phil will win in November!"  Bob Schelen outlined
Phil's strategy, his path to victory in November.  Bob just wanted to come
give a message of hope to those that are discouraged by the polls that Phil
Angelides is trailing and that things are not all that bad.

G Richard Yamagata told the board what he knew about the set-up and take
down of the booth at the fair.  He also stated what he knew about sign-ups
at the booth.  The coordinator for the booth is Katie Villegas and people
need to contact her to sign-up to man the booth.  Sunday is assigned to the
Woodland club, because they will be working with Don Winters to take down
the booth at the end of the fair.  

It was said by others that the purpose of the booth is distribute campaign
materials for state and local Democratic candidates and for voter
registration.  Betty added that we are going to have a double booth this
year.  There is a large committee of people that are setting up the booth.
There was no description of the take down as to who was doing this other
than "Don Winters and the Woodland Democrat Club."

For those that are concerned what is happening at the Yolo County Democrat
Central Committee, this month's meeting is in Davis at Round Table Pizza on
the 4th Monday of this month, August 28.

Kingsley Melton spoke on this event.  The Bean Feed is on September 30 this
year.  This is earlier than usual.  Kingsley is being hired by the Yolo
County Central Committee to coordinate the county headquarters and all of
the campaigns in Yolo County.  

The headquarters is in Woodland on College close to Main St next to Paco's.
The Woodland Democrat Club is supporting half the cost of the headquarters.
The reason for the choice of Woodland is to help support Frank Seiferman in
his race for County Supervisor.  The Republicans are reputed to be putting a
lot of money into electing his opponent to this county seat.  Frank's vote
is important on various issues, most notably is the Conaway Ranch issue.  

Kingsley asked for a donation from the club for The Bean Feed of $100.
Kingsley also asked for checks earlier than usual from the Dems that give to
this event.  

Jim Provenza made the motion that the club give $100 to The Bean Feed.  John
Chendo seconded this motion.

In discussion of this motion, it was discussed, why did not the Davis
Democrat Club step up and become a SPONSOR of this event at the $250 level.
This of course means that all major promotion of this event will be done
with the Davis Democrat Club listed as a sponsor and that the programs will
all be printed up with Davis Democrat Club as the sponsor.

Jim Provenza made the substitute motion that the club give $250 to the Bean
Feed to become a sponsor of this event.  This motion was seconded by John
Chendo.  The question was called and the motion carried with 6 votes in
favor and 2 votes opposed.  There were 3 abstaining in voting, including
Immediate Vice President Kingsley Melton.  

Our newsletter editor, Tanya Chalupa is starting a new job and has asked for
more help in newsletter production.  Everyone agreed that Tanya has done an
exceptional job at putting out a monthly newsletter and they all want it to
continue.  Carl Schmid volunteered to help Tanya where he can.  Barbara
Slemmons also volunteered.  

It was decided that in terms of news items, G Richard Yamagata is to send
the minutes of the board meetings and the general meetings by the 15th of
each month, so they can be reported in the newsletter.  Richard stated that
he is already sending photos to Tanya for possible use in the newsletter
each month.

Betty Weir asked that we discuss the subject of the campaign headquarters in
Davis on this agenda.  John Chendo discussed an office area behind Cafe Roma
that was mentioned by Bob Bockwinkel.  It was discussed to have John Chendo
and Arun Sen with Bob Bockwinkel look into a headquarters location.  

Kingsley Melton volunteered to help in putting together the headquarters.
He can help with ordering the phones and electricity.  Betty and Mary Lou
would staff the headquarters, but he stated that he can give additional
support to the headquarters in the mornings.  

Rick Vulliet suggested that board put together a committee to follow up on
finding a location for the headquarters.  There was a discussion and the
people on this committee would be Betty Weir, Kingsley Melton, Julia Sanchez
and Bob Bockwinkel.  This committee will make a report at the Board Meeting
next month as to what happened about the headquarters.  

Next month's board meeting will be at 7 PM on September 12.  This is the
second Tuesday of the month.  The meeting will be held in the Blanchard Room
of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.  

Dan Berman spoke about the Yolo For SMUD campaign.  To contact him about the
campaign, Dan's phone number is 757-6609.  There was no motion presented for
the club to support this position.

Jim Provenza announced his "Back to School Blues" fundraising event on
September 10th.  

Arun Sen adjourned the meeting.  The meeting ended at 8:45PM.

Respectfully submitted,
Recording Secretary

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