[Davis Democrats] 24 hour notice Davis Democrat Club board meeting on November 2

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Wed Nov 2 07:32:07 PST 2005

Please excuse me from the Nov.2 meeting___I have a conflict that evening,
working in Sacramento at the Angelides campaign office on 21st and N  to get
out the vote. Thanks, John Chendo

on 11/1/05 3:11 PM, G Richard Yamagata PhD at yamagata at virtual-markets.net

> Greetings Davis Democrat Club Boardmembers,
> On a personal note, I am required to go to the Davis Community Network
> Resource Allocation Committee meeting tomorrow evening.  I will not be able
> to attend the Davis Democrat Club meeting.  I will try to give copies of the
> agenda to Tony Gruska tomorrow afternoon (drop off 15 copies in his mailbox)
> and have some of the past minutes transcribed and printed for distribution.
> One Day Notice.
> There will be a Davis Democrat Club board meeting on Wednesday, November 2nd
> at 7PM in the Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.
> The address is 315 East 14th Street.
> Please note that any Davis Democrat Club member is welcome to attend the
> meetings.  We normally have at least 1 to 4 guests per meeting.  We have
> never had a meeting without someone from the public in attendance.  At the
> last meeting we had 5 guests.
> The club by-laws say that people cannot miss 3 meetings in a row without an
> excuse.  
> There is going to be a Thursday, December 1 Holiday Party.  We will discuss
> the details.
> If you have any suggestions for the agenda, please send them to Kingsley,
> Tony, or me via the list.  There should be a final agenda sent out on
> Sunday, January 8th.  Please also be aware that someone will be telephoning
> the board members to remind them of the meeting, probably Betty Weir.  I
> have already received some unofficial input from other DDC board members on
> this preliminary agenda.
> Please find below the location and time for the next meeting:
> DDC Board Meeting
> Time: 7 PM to 8:04 PM
> Place: Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.
>                 315 East 14th Street.
> Please find the agenda below.
> Agenda.   The agenda may change as it is worked on by the President and Vice
> President.  
>         Davis Democratic Club Meeting Agenda
>                 November 2, 7 pm - 8pm
>      Place: Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.
>                 315 East 14th Street.
> I.  Introduction   (12 minutes)
>         i.    Approval of Agenda
>         ii.   Approval of Minutes for past meetings as they are submitted.
>         iii.  Comments and issues from the Public and general members.
>               a. from public for unscheduled presentations.
>         iv.   Minutes and reports from other clubs and campus Democrats
>               a. Specific report from the Woodland Club, Lyle S.
>               b. Report from Yolo County Young Democrats, Lyle or Rich.
>               c. Report from UCDavis Campus Democrats, Angela T.
>               d. Report on the President's activities for the club, Tony G.
>                  (Report on State Democrat Party and November Election)
>               e. Minutes from the September 7th meeting of the DDC.
> II.  Treasurer's Report     (4 minutes)
> III. Yolo County Fair Booth (5 minutes)
> IV.  Holiday Party       (12 minutes)
>         i.   Chair report.
>         ii.  Other details and discussion
> V.   Discussion of Bean Feed and past events (5 minutes)
>         i.   Bean Feed
>         ii.  Treason's Greetings (Lyle Smith, John Chendo or Mike Syvanene)
> VI.  Content of the Next Newsletter (6 minutes)
>         i.   Circulation -- is everyone happy?
>         ii.  Update by newsletter committee
>         iii. Story ideas
> VII.  New and Unfinished Business (12 minutes)
>         0.   Thursdays are Davis Democrat Club volunteer days at the ABC
> headquarters.
>         i.   Announcements- upcoming events
>         ii.  Items for next meeting
>         iii. Next Meeting Time/Location -- need to set date for December
>         iv.  Meeting adjournment
> Time:  56 minutes
> All times are approximate and only placed to help keep meeting on track, so
> people can leave by 8PM.
> _______________________________________________
> DavisDemocrats mailing list
> DavisDemocrats at mailman.dcn.org
> http://www2.dcn.org/mailman/listinfo/davisdemocrats

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