[Davis Democrats] Dont forget the Champagne Brunch this Sunday!!!!

Kingsley Melton meltonkl at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 10 16:49:09 PDT 2005

You’ve seen the articles in the Davis Enterprise, received an invitation, and now one more email reminder for this Sunday’s Brunch sponsored by the Davis Democratic Club.


We are very excited to present a very special guest Senator Debra Bowen (D- Marina del Ray) who is running (uncontested at present) for Secretary of State.  She will be speaking about election integrity, technology and personal privacy.  To find out more about her campaign, visit the website:  www.debrabowen.com


The event will take place at the home of Gregg and Marla Cook, 3222 Shelter Cove, Davis.  The event’s doors will open at 11:30am.  Program will start at 12:30pm.  For more information, contact Kingsley Melton:  meltonkl at yahoo.com 

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