[Davis Democrats] Minutes from June Meeting

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Mon Jul 4 13:06:45 PDT 2005

Greetings All,

These are the excellent minutes taken by Kingsley Melton at our June
Meeting.  These are for approval by the board on July 6th:

Democratic Club Meeting Minutes, 

June 1, 2005


      Approval of Agenda (Approved, Kngsley motioned, Barbara seconded)
      Approval of March Minutes (Approved, Julia motioned, Kingsley seconded)
      Public Comments—None
      Other Clubs’ activity—None to report Betty and others indicated the
desire to have a formal club report made by the Yolo County Young Democrats
regarding the DDC sponsored trip to the Democratic Convention

Treasurer’s Report

Betty reports:

We have $11,967.52

We have 200 Paid Members

III. May General Membership meeting

      Betty reported the numbers for the event:

The cost of the mailing was: $44.28 Invitations

$218.00 Postage ($48.49 lost to bad addresses)

$300 Food

Betty reported income from the event: $145 Raffle

$140 Dues

Betty reported six new members, with one paid 

Betty also noted that there are a number of couples that give far more than
their dues

(3 Couples @ $200)

Lyle Reports:

There were about 60 people. There were a couple of things we had to compete
with: Whole Earth Festival, 1st nice day of spring, Mothers Day, but even
with those as competition, we managed to attract 60 people. There were new
faces and a lot of folks really liked Steve Ibarra. Even some Greens
remarked about how well he spoke.


There were also a lot of the same people that attend many of our events. We
need to have more new folks in order for the event to "be worth it." Maybe a
March or April date next year closer to the election


Everyone really liked the raffle and we made good money (all agreed)


We might want to limit the number of speakers next time. It might have been
too much talking for the audience to handle. A little less music might be
better and allow more folks to talk. We should do it again closer to the


Yeah, I agree. Next year maybe June, we’ll have a chance to work out the
kinks for the next time.


I want a report. We can’t do this from scratch again. We have to have a
guide that documents the events so that we’re not reinventing the wheel.
Please everyone, make reports when you chair an event.


I think the event was successful. There were great speaker’s and just an
inspirational feeling about the whole event. Ibarra was great. Hey, it was a
new idea, and it’s never gonna go perfect the first time, it was a good event.

Champagne Brunch:

Kingsley went over the event.

Mike went over the food.

Mary Lou discussed the need for people to give for the raffle or it gets
expensive for people.

4th of July Booth:

Tony was very pleased to inform that the DDC had one the drawing for the
beer booth at the 4th of July day event at the City Park. He proposed the
idea of having the Budweiser keg-truck to come and take up a lot of space.
He also explained that the unused kegs could be returned. It was agreed by
the club that he should pursue the idea. Tony also said that he was familiar
with the liquor license procedure to insure the legality of the booth. He
also received permission to spend club money to attain the permit.

He asked for lights for the booth. There are none provided by the city.


Lyle said Jackie Speir Would be speaking at Delaine Easton’s House in the
near future

Meeting was adjourned at 8PM quickly due to a group waiting on the space.

Next meeting is July 6th.

Submitted by Kingsley Melton, acting secretary.
G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/

G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, Secretary of the Board of Directors for the Davis Democrat Club, 
President of the board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, Vice President of 
the board of the Business Link of Woodland and Davis, Secretary-Treasurer of 
the board of the Davis Progressive Business Exchange and communications 
liason of the Independent Order of Oddfellows Chapter 169.

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The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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