[Davis Democrats] Help contest Jan. 6 electoral vote certification!

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Mon Jan 3 21:07:35 PST 2005

From: John Chendo <jac07 at dcn.org>
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 19:19:37 -0800
To: <betty at thewoos.net>
Cc: <richardsonkk at sbcglobal.net>
Bcc: <mmyamada at pacbell.net>, <nebromley at hotmail.com>,
<anneeborthwick at hotmail.com>, <trainpec at aol.com>, <ecswihart at aol.com>,
<rcaughlan at aol.com>, <me at jenniferhodges.com>, <emoffet at fsamarin.org>,
<email at rickandgary.com>, <nanoosky at usol.com>
Subject: FW: Help contest Jan. 6 electoral vote certification!

From: "KerryGrassroots.org" <info at kerrygrassroots.org>
Date: Mon, 03 Jan 2005 15:14:37 -0500
To: jac07 at dcn.org
Subject: Help contest Jan. 6 electoral vote certification!

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GrassrootsWest.org (formerly Kerrygrassroots)
Democracy suffered a serious, potentially fatal blow on November 2nd. Every
dirty trick in the fascist playbook (including direct intimidation of
voters) was employed to disenfranchise large segments of the voting public
in swing states to keep Bush in the White House and the Republicans as the
congressional majority.

Sonoma County activist Eve Roberson has just returned from 2 weeks in Ohio
volunteering to help find out what went so wrong there on November 2: "As a
retired election supervisor for many years, I am an advocate of every
American's right to vote and to have it be counted accurately.  I was
shocked to see what happened in Greene County, Ohio, in this election:
[Republican] challenges [of voters], voter intimidation, unnecessary hours'
long waits in the rain to vote, being directed to wrong precincts, rejection
of valid provisional ballots, electronic voting machines that "flipped" the
vote [to Bush]." 

The media are reporting these events, if at all, as the product of internet
conspiracy nuts. 

Contact the Senators below by phone, FAX or email, to urge them to contest
the vote on Thursday, January 6, when the electoral college votes are to be
certified in Congress.  It only takes a few minutes to do. In Farenheit 9/11
you may recall no Senator would stand up before Congress to challenge the
2000 election (which Gore was later proved to have won), and senators later
said they hadn't been asked!

We can't let that happen again.
Barbara Boxer (CA-D)  Tel.(202) 224-3553  Fax (415) 956-6701
senator at boxer.senate.gov
Robert Byrd (WV-D)  Tel.(202) 224-3954  Fax (202) 228-0002
senator_byrd at byrd.senate.gov
Mark Dayton (MN-D)  Tel.(202) 224-3244 Fax (202) 228-2186
Thomas Harkin (IA-D) Phone: (202) 224-3254 Fax: (202) 224-9369
tom_harkin at harkin.senate.gov
Jim Jeffords (VT-I) Phone: (202) 224-5141 Fax: (202) 228-0776
vermont at jeffords.senate.gov
Edward Kennedy (MA-D) Phone: (202) 224-4543 Fax: (202) 224-2417
senator at kennedy.senate.gov
Patrick Leahy (VT-D) Phone: (202) 224-4242 Fax: (202) 224-3479
senator_leahy at leahy.senate.gov
Carl Levin (MI-D) Phone: (202) 224-6221 Fax: (202) 224-1388
Senator at Levin.Senate.Gov
Joseph Lieberman (CT-D) Phone: (202) 224-4041 Fax: (202) 224-9750
senator_lieberman at lieberman.senate.gov
Barbara Mikulski (MD-D) Phone: (202) 224-4654 Fax: (202) 224-8858
senator at mikulski.senate.gov
Barack Obama (IL-D) Phone: (202) 224-2854
Olympia Snowe (ME-R) Phone: (202) 224-5344 Fax: (202) 224-1946
olympia at snowe.senate.gov
Charles Schumer (NY-D) Phone: (202) 224-6542 Fax: (202) 228-3027
senator at schumer.senate.gov
Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) Phone: (202) 224-4451 Fax: (202) 228-0282
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Phone: (202) 224-3841 Fax: (202) 228-3954
senator at feinstein.senate.gov
John F. Kerry (D-MA) Phone: (202) 224-2742 Fax: (202) 224-8525
john_kerry at kerry.senate.gov
Richard J. Durbin (D-IL) Phone: (202) 224-2152 Fax: (202) 228-0400
dick at durbin.senate.gov
Russ Feingold (D-WI) Phone: (202) 224-5323 Fax: (202) 224-2725
russ_feingold at feingold.senate.gov
Daniel K. Inouye (D-HI) Phone: (202) 224-3934 Fax: (202) 224-6747
Senator at inouye.senate.gov
Daniel K. Akaka (D-HI) Phone: (202) 224-6361 Fax: (202) 224-2126
senator at akaka.senate.gov
 Frank Lautenberg (D- NJ) Phone: (202) 224-3224   Fax: (202) 228-4054
<http://lautenberg.senate.gov/webform.html >
 Jon S. Corzine (D- NJ) Phone: (202) 224-4744   Fax: (202) 228-2197
http://corzine.senate.gov/contact.cfm <http://corzine.senate.gov/contact.cfm
 John D. Rockefeller, IV (D- WV)) Phone: (202) 224-6472   Fax: (202)
224-7665 senator at rockefeller.senate.gov
Urge each Senator to stand with other Senators and Representatives of
conscience to challenge the electoral vote count on January 6. Tell them to
represent the thousands of disenfranchised voters in Ohio, Florida and other
states who were prevented from voting or whose votes were thrown out or not
accurately counted.  Tell them to call for an independent, authoritative
investigation before any certification of the electoral college ballots. Add
any personal message you want. Our democracy depends on it. For if the
voting problems and defalcations of the 2004 elections are not fully exposed
and corrective measures instituted now, there will be no democracy.


Tuesday, January 4, 7PM, at the Herbst Theater, corner of Van Ness Avenue
and McAllister Street, San Francisco, ReDefeatBush.com is taking on the RNC
vote-erasing machine and we need to join in the effort. Speakers include
David Lytel, Emily Levin (project coordinator for Richard Hayes Phillips'
precinct-level analysis of Ohio voting anomalies entered as evidence in the
pending litigation, Moss v. Bush), and researcher Warren Stewart (analyst of
New Mexico's mysterious phantom votes), and there will be a screening of the
disturbing Linda Byrket documentary Video the Vote witnessing the shameful
voter suppression tactics deployed to deny predominantly African American
communities of Ohio their right to vote. NORTHBAY CARPOOL INFO

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