[Davis Democrats] Davis Democrat Club board meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd
G Richard Yamagata PhD
yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Sun Feb 27 23:14:14 PST 2005
Greetings Davis Democrat Club Boardmembers,
The agenda is on the bottom of this e-mail. This is a preliminary agenda
and it can change.
The President and other board members had input. If this draft does not
reflect those requests, please send the suggestions. The newest item on the
list is: PUBLIC COMMENT. There has and will be scheduled time for reports
from other Democrat groups in Yolo County that we support.
There will be a Davis Democrat Club board meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd at
7 PM in the Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.
The address is 315 East 14th Street. The meeting time is 7 to 8 PM.
Please note that any Davis Democrat Club member is welcome to attend the
meetings. We normally have at least 1 to 2 guests per meeting. We have
never had a meeting without someone from the public in attendance. At the
last meeting, because it conflicted with other events, 15 board members
showed up and there were no other people at the meeting. Some of the board
members were absent and wanted to come, but were unable due to illness. One
board members complained that she was not informed of the meeting.
If you have any suggestions for the agenda, please send them to Kingsley,
Tony, or me via the list. There should be a final agenda sent out on
Tuesday, March 1st. Please also be aware that someone will be telephoning
the board members to remind them of the meeting, probably Betty Weir. I
have already received some unofficial input from other DDC board members on
this preliminary agenda.
Thank you for your attention,
Davis Democratic Club Meeting Agenda
March 2nd, 7 pm - 8 pm
Democratic Headquarters, 509 L Street, Davis
I. Introduction (8 minutes)
i. Approval of Agenda
ii. Approval of Minutes for December meeting
iii. Comments and issues from the Public and general members
iv. Minutes and reports from other clubs and campus Democrats
a. Specific report on Lamppost Pizza fundraiser.
b. Report from Yolo County Young Democrats.
II. Treasurer's Report (4 minutes)
IV. April General Membership meeting (7 minutes)
i. Report from Chair of event
ii. Progress so far
a. Date
b. Location
V. Champagne Brunch (7 minutes)
i. Report from Chair of event
ii. Progress so far
a. Date
b. Location (at the Cook's)
VI. Content of the Next Newsletter (6 minutes)
i. Update by newsletter committee
ii. Story ideas
VII. Discussion and draft of the new by-laws (12 minutes)
( Members of subcommittee are: John Chendo, Rich Petersen, Mike
Syvanen, Arun Sen, Betty Weir, Richard Yamagata and Tony Gruska)
VIII. New and Unfinished Business (15 minutes)
i. Announcements- upcoming events
ii. Items for next meeting
iii. Next Meeting Time/Location
a. April 5th 7:00 pm. small conference room inside the library.
b. May 4th 7:00 pm. Blanchard Room
iv. Meeting adjournment
Time: 59 minutes
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