[Davis Democrats] Error, Latest on Davis Democrat Club board meeting on Wednesday, Feburary 16

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Feb 15 12:50:33 PST 2005

Greetings Davis Democrat Club Boardmembers,

There has been a mix-up with the time of the meeting.  It is from 7PM to 8PM
on Wednesay, tomorrow.  I apologize for this mix-up.  The room is reserved
from 6:30 to 9PM, so we are covered.  

There has been an adjustment of the agenda.  Please see it below.  If there
are other changes, please send them to me by 4PM, tomorrow, February 16.

There was an error on the agenda.  I mistakenly put the wrong header on the
meeting agenda.  The meeting is at the Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of
the Yolo County Library, which is 315 East 14th Street.  Thank you Mariko
for your timely e-mail on this!

The agenda is on the bottom of this e-mail.  This is a preliminary agenda
and it can change.  The final version will be printed out at 4PM and handed
out at 7PM.

There will be a Davis Democrat Club board meeting on Wednesday, February
16th at 7PM in the Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County
Library.  The address is 315 East 14th Street. Please note -- the time that
was previously re-released was in error.  The meeting time is 7 to 8 PM,
which is when we apprently started meeting once the headquarters opened.

Please note that any Davis Democrat Club member is welcome to attend the
meetings.  We normally have at least 1 to 2 guests per meeting.  We have
never had a meeting without someone from the public in attendance.  I was
told that at the last meeting we still had over 20 people in attendance.

If you have any suggestions for the agenda, please send them to Kingsley,
Tony, or me via the list.  There should be no further e-mails before this
meeting -- unless I misreported the time again.  We really need a volunteer
to take over scheduling the meeting rooms and deciding upon the time.
Please also be aware that someone will be telephoning the board members to
remind them of the meeting, probably Betty Weir.  I have continued to
receive some unofficial input from other DDC board members on this
preliminary agenda.

Thank you for your attention,


        Davis Democratic Club Meeting Agenda 
                February 16th, 7 pm -  8 pm
     Blanchard Room, Davis Branch Yolo County Library
                315 East 14th St, Davis, CA

I.  Introduction   (8 minutes)
        i.   Introduction again of new meeting guidelines
        ii.  Approval of Agenda
        iii. Approval of Minutes for December meeting
        iv.  Minutes from other clubs and campus Democrats

II.  Treasurer's Report     (4 minutes)

III. Valentines General Membership meeting and event  (7 minutes)
        i.   Report about finances
        ii.  Report about event

IV.  April General Membership meeting  (7 minutes) 
        i.   Report about last event, 2 year ago
        ii.  Appoint a chair for this year 
            (Kingsley is incharge until this is done according to the by-laws).

V.   Champagne Brunch  (7 minutes) 
        i.   Report about last year's event
        ii.  Appoint a chair for this year 
VI.  Content of the Next Newsletter (6 minutes)
        i.   Update by Current Editor
        ii.  Story ideas

VII. By-laws committee (8 minutes)
       ( Members of subcommittee are:  Rich P.,  John Chendo,  Mike S.,   
       Arun S., Betty, Richard and Tony.)
        John Chendo will say a few words and will use the time to gather 
        more information from the board for the revised by-laws.

VIII.  New and Unfinished Business (12 minutes)
        i.   Announcements- upcoming events 
        ii.  Items for next meeting  
        iii. Next Meeting Time/Location
        iv.  Meeting adjournment

Time:  59 minutes

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