[Davis Democrats] Davis Democrat Club meeting on Monday, September 6th
G Richard Yamagata PhD
yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Sat Sep 4 20:35:59 PDT 2004
This e-mail is from the Davis Democrat Club e-mailing list.
This is the agenda for Monday's meeting. The meeting is on Monday,
September 6th. Please note the normal meeting time -- it is 7PM.
The July minutes are at the web site at: http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/ --
go to the newsletter link. The August minutes should be up tomorrow. The
July minutes need to be approved, so please look at them.
Davis Democratic Club Meeting Agenda
September 6th, 7pm-8pm
Democratic Headquarters, 509 L Street, Davis
I. Introduction (8 minutes)
i. Reminder of new meeting guidelines
ii. Approval of Agenda
iii. Approval of Minutes for July meeting
iv. Announcements from other clubs and campus Democrats
II. Treasurer's Report (4 minutes)
i. Financial report of club
ii. Report of income from recent fundraising
(Ice Cream Social)
III. Club Ice Cream Social (4 minutes)
i. Report by the chair, Kingsley
ii. Other
IV. The Fall Club Barbeque (5 minutes)
i. Report from chair
ii. Other
V. The Yolo County Central Committee Bean Feed (7 minutes)
i. Update
ii. Volunteer Opportunities
VI. Holiday Party at Doug Kaplans (5 minutes)
i. Appoint a chairperson
ii. Raffle
VII. Beat Bush 2004 Report (7 minutes)
VIII. Content of the Next Newsletter (6 minutes)
i. Report by Editor, Dan Kehew
ii. Story ideas
IX. New and Unfinished Business (12 minutes)
i. Announcements
ii. Items for next meeting
iii. Next Meeting Time/Location
iv. Meeting adjournment
Time: 58 minutes
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