[Davis Democrats] FW: Vets rally for Peace-Nov. 11-Thursday, 4-5 pm--outdoors--Pete McCloskey may speak

John Chendo jac07 at dcn.org
Sun Nov 7 16:04:46 PST 2004

From: Nancy Patterson <nanoosky at usol.com>
Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2004 08:35:36 -0800
To: john chendo <jac07 at dcn.davis.ca.us>
Subject: Davis Dems/rally

Hi, John,
Cynthia Rodriquez said she's interested in participating in a rally for
Vet's Day.  Haven't heard from Gretchen Muller, but I'll see the Woodland
tonight at the Next Chapter/Steve's Pizza, so I'll see if they're up for it.
I know that you can't do too much this week, but i assume  the Davis Dems
would want to participate???  Do you know if anyone from Davis will be
attending the discussion today at the Next Chapter?
Did anyone save the Chickenhawks poster?  It would be a nice thing to have
for the rally.  
Also, what's the schedule for the Davis Dems meetings? I attend both Winters
& Woodland meetings, so I may try to hit Davis, too.  W.Sac would be good,
too.  Does anyone go to all these meetings, already?  I mean, to act as a
link, to connect all of Yolo Co.

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