[Davis Democrats] July 5th, Monday, Next meeting of the Davis Democrat Club
G Richard Yamagata PhD
yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Thu Jun 24 00:48:31 PDT 2004
Greetings All,
If you are are receiving this e-mail, you are on the Davis Democrat Club
e-mail list. This list was established primarily to inform board members
and Democrat electeds, when and where the meetings and club events will be
held. This list will also post e-mail as submitted by the board members.
I would like to welcome the following to this list:
Kevin Wolf
Julie Lacy
Adrienne Monroe (representing Democrat elected Frank Seiferman Jr.)
Jerry Kaneko
Teresa Kaneko
Paul Healey
The next Davis Democrat Club meeting will be on July 5th, Monday, at the
Davis Democrat Headquarters on the corner of 5th and L Street at 7 PM. The
primary purpose of this meeting will be to recap the 4th of July booth and
the planning for the club supported events:
Yolo County Fair Booth and sign up.
Club Ice Cream Social (Date and time needs to be established)
The Fall Club Barbeque (Date and time needs to be established)
The Yolo County Central Committee Bean Feed
Democrat Club Holiday Party (Date and time has been established)
Content of the Next Newsletter
A more detailed agenda will be posted before the next meeting.
I am not sure if everyone is aware of this, but the California Democrat
organization is encouraging that all clubs meet on the second Tuesday of the
month. This was the original date that we were meeting before the change to
the first Monday. I think that we will continue to meet on the first Monday
in case that our past president can make the meetings. But, if anyone wants
to bring this up at the meeting, they are welcome to do so when we schedule
the next meeting.
Thank you for your attention,
G Richard Yamagata PhD
CEO/President VME Inc. http://www.vme.net/
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"Pet, Vets, You, and Dr.Sue - http://vme.net/dvm/DrSue/
G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of
Directors, secretary of the board of the Davis Democrat Club, president of the
board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, member of the board of the Business
Link of Woodland and Davis, and communications liason of the Independent Order
of Oddfellows chapter 169.
The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions
More information about the DavisDemocrats
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