[Davis Democrats] TODAY: Davis Democrat Club board meeting on December 6

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Mon Dec 6 13:02:24 PST 2004

Greetings Davis Democrat Club Boardmembers,

There will be a Davis Democrat Club board meeting today on Monday, December
6th at 7PM in the Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County
Library.  The address is 315 East 14th Street.

Please note that any Davis Democrat Club member is welcome to attend the
meetings.  We normally have at least 1 to 2 guests per meeting.  We have
never had a meeting without someone from the public in attendance.

Please find below the location and time for the meeting:

DDC Board Meeting
Time: 7 PM to 8:04 PM
Place: Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.  
                315 East 14th Street.

Please find the agenda below.

        Davis Democratic Club Meeting Agenda 
                November 8, 7 pm - 8pm
     Place: Blanchard Room of the Davis Branch of the Yolo County Library.  
                315 East 14th Street.

I.  Introduction   (8 minutes -- usually takes 2 minutes)
        i.	Approval of Agenda
        ii.	Approval of Minutes for past meetings 
                The following have not been approved:
                August 2nd
                September 6th
                October 4th (if minutes exist, I was ill that day)
                November 8th minutes will be handed out.
                ( http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/newsletter.htm The Newsletter
page )
        iii.	Minutes from other clubs and campus Democrats 
                (usually no one shows up from these groups.  Lyle Smith can
be asked to speak about the other town Democrat organizations.)

II.  Treasurer's Report     (5 minutes)

III.  The DDC Holiday Party (10 minutes)
        i.	Report from chairs on this event
        ii.	Additional planning and requests

IV.   The Winter General Meetings in January, February or March (7 minutes)
        i.	Report on last year's event 
        ii.     Ideas for this year. (Suggested Thank You meeting with Mike
        ii.	Appointment of chairs for 2005 Winter events.

V.    Content of the Next Newsletter (6 minutes)
        i.	Update by Current Editor
        ii.	Story ideas

VII.  New and Unfinished Business (24 minutes)
        i.	New items
                a) Club support for the Yolo County Young Democrats (8 minutes)
                b) Other
        ii.     Continued discussion about fundraising and events post "Beat
Bush" (15 minutes)
        iii.	Announcements
        iv.	Next Meeting Time/Location -- proposal for the 2nd Monday or 2nd
        v.	Meeting adjournment

Time:  60 minutes

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