[Davis Democrats] More Ice Cream Social news for August 26th

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Aug 24 00:23:15 PDT 2004

Greetings All,  

Yolo County Supervisor, Mariko Yamada has e-mailed to let me know that she
will be attending the Davis Democrat Club Ice Cream Social and I thank her
for her RSVP.  With her participation and all of the rest of the people that
have promised to attend, this should be a very well attended event.  Many
thanks to Mariko Yamada in view of her busy schedule for her personal RSVP!


Please Join Hosts Jerry and Teresa Kaneko for the
Davis Democratic Club's VIII Annual
Ice Cream Social with the Political Soapbox
Thursday, August 26th 

556 Reed Avenue, Davis
Suggested Donation:  $5

All are invited and can address the group from the Soapbox.  Voice your
political statements to all assembled.  Expected guests that will speak
include:  Former Davis City Councilman Jerry Kaneko (MC of the soapbox); All
of the Davis City Councilmembers including active Davis Democrat Club
members, Sue Greenwald (Mayor Pro-tem), Don Saylor and Stephen Souza; our
State Assembly representative, Lois Wolk; our State Senator, Mike Machado;
and our 8th Assembly District Party Chair and Yolo County Supervisor, Mariko
Yamada.  Also expected to attend and speak are a number of the Davis School
Boardmembers, including Jim Provenza.

I know that representatives for Helen Thompson and Frank Seiferman Jr are on
this list.  I invite them to RSVP or drop by to say a few words at the Ice
Cream Social.

That is all for now, take care,


G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/
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G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, secretary of the board of the Davis Democrat Club, president of the
board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, member of the board of the Business
Link of Woodland and Davis, and communications liason of the Independent Order 
of Oddfellows chapter 169.
The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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