[Davis Democrats] Davis Democrat Club meeting on September 6th, minutes for July 5th, and Don Saylor will attend the ice cream social.

G Richard Yamagata PhD yamagata at virtual-markets.net
Tue Aug 3 02:15:45 PDT 2004

Greetings All,   

The first important news is that the next meeting of the Davis Democrat Club
board will be on Monday, September 6th at 7PM.  This is a holiday, so no
conflict with campaign headquarters activities is expected.  President Tony
Gruska will check with Julie Lacy and if there is a conflict, the meeting
will be moved to start at 8PM.  All board members will be informed before
the meeting if there is a change in time.

I received another RSVP for the club sponsored ice cream social on August
26th from Don Saylor.  All of the city council that were elected in the last
election cycle, March 2004, will be attending and speaking at this event.
Contact Kingsley if you want to contribute to this event and did not sign up
on the list passed out at last night's meeting.  Kingsley can be reached at:
kingsley at counterculture.net

The July 5th minutes are available on-line at the web site on the Newsletter
page.  The address is http://yvm.net/vme/democrats/newsletter.htm  These
minutes will be passed out at the next meeting, but it is hoped that they
will be read ahead of time for approval at this meeting.  The August 2nd
minutes may become available, but with 12 pages of notes, it is unlikely.

The last announcement is that Saturday, August 21, is the day at the Yolo
County Fair that the Davis Democrat Club was assigned to man the booth.  If
you plan to be at the booth, please contact Katie Villegas at 1-916-375-1132
to confirm your time slot or to volunteer,  You can also reach her via
e-mail at katievillegas at charter.net  

That is all for now, take care,


G Richard Yamagata  PhD
CEO/President   VME Inc.   http://www.vme.net/
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G Richard Yamagata is a member of the Davis Community Network Board of 
Directors, secretary of the board of the Davis Democrat Club, president of the
board of Virtual Market Enterprises, Inc, member of the board of the Business
Link of Woodland and Davis, and communications liason of the Independent Order 
of Oddfellows chapter 169.
The thoughts expressed are my own and do not reflect the policies or opinions

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